Calculate GPA Using GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

Introduction With GPA Calculator

GPA (Grade Point Average) is not only a number but a pillar to your academic grades. If you are here and reading this tool based blog , you must know the importance of mastering the skill of calculating GPA , calculating CGPA and converting other grades. To calculate GPA, it works dynamically, it works as both university and high school GPA calculator.
This blog gives you deeper insights of GPA ,what is GPA and GPA scales other than giving calculation process. You will be able to get valuable step by step instructions. Following GPA converter is for all 3 common GPA scales.

How To Use This GPA Calculator

Alice studied for a semester. There are 3 subjects Subj1,Subj2 and Subj3. he got 90,95 and 80 marks respectively. We will assign them grades like A, A+,B respectively and every grade has some points like A+ = 4 points , A= 3.6 points and B = 3.0 points etc. 
Now we will multiply one subject grade point with that subject’s credit hour and same with other subjects after summing up all subjects’ grade point then divide them with total credit hours.

STEP 1 To Calculate GPA

If you want GPA by 4.0 point GPA scale then choose 4 other wise you can select 5.0 point GPA scale or 10 point GPA scale from the drop down.
It is very important to choose write GPA scale for you because some universities uses 4-point GPA scale , some uses 5- point GPA scale and some uses 10 point.

GPA Calculator 4.0 point scale , 10 point scale , 5 point scale

STEP 2 of GPA Calculator

Now write for how many courses you want to calculate GPA. For example in a semester you took 4 courses. Select 4 and click to calculate.
Whatever number you will add it will generate fields for each subject where you will have to write credit hours and GP (Grade points)

GPA Calculator by courses

STEP3 of GPA Converter

Every course or subject has specific credit hours. write the credit hours of the subject and Grade point you obtain in the field. Every grade has a grade point check below for details.

GPA by GP and credit hours

How does this GPA Calculator work ?

  • Select your GPA scale from the given options e.g. available grade points are  5.0, 4.0 and 10.
  •  If you are in search of 4.0 scale then select 4 ,if you are in search of 10  point scale then select 10 and ,if you are in search of 5.0  point scale then select 5.0
  • Then add the number of courses you studied in the semester. You can find GPA without 4rth subject. 
  • It will show you some fields to fill information of courses and then press calculate GPA button
  • It will show the GPA.

How to calculate GPA manually other than GPA calculator

To calculate Grade point Average one must have all grade points and credit hours of the subject. Let me explain in detail. GPA means Grade point Average which means , we have to calculate average of all assigned grade points. [See- Calculate CGPA blog to calculate CGPA]

Formula to calculate GPA

GPA= (GP * Credit hours)+(GP * Credit hours)/sum of all credit hours

Alice has 3 subjects in a semester, he will get  grade points and credit hours of all 3 subjects now multiply credit hours with grade point per subject and then divide the result with total credit hours. It will result in Grade point Average.

What is GPA ?

GPA is a common Grading system, which is popular in universities to mark the students’ assessments. GPA full form is Grade point Average. Every university uses its own GPA grading system as
  • 4.0 GPA scale
  • 5.0 GPA scale 
  • 10.0 GPA scale
Students avail marks and these marks are associated with grades like A, A+, B and then to every grade there are some  dedicated points fixed. when you accumulate GPAs it results in to CGPA-cumulative grade point Average


GPA means Grade point Average. If a student takes 4 subjects in a semester. He will be evaluated on all 4 subjects he took throughout the semester. Then on the final assessment, the student gets GP and grade points. which is then converted to GPA by adding all GPs and dividing them with credit hours.

GPA = (CGPA / CGPA Scale) x GPA Scale

GPA to Percentage Formula

To convert GPA to percentage is very easy. Follow the below stated method you will ended up with your desired result. [see CGPA to Percentage ]

Formula For 4- point scale


GPA to Percentage Example

Alice has a 3.5 GPA. When he multiplies 3.5 with 25 the percentage he gets is 87.5% 

Formula For 10- point scale


GPA to Percentage Example

Alice has 7.5 GPA . When he multiplies 3.5 with 10 the percentage he gets is 75%


GPA and CGPA both are essential to calculate results in university. GPA is grade point average which comes after summing up grade points of all the subjects of the semester.

GPA= [(GP*Ci)+(GP*Ci)+(GP*Ci)] / sum of all credit hours

CGPA= sum of all GPAs / No. of semesters

GPA Chart or GPA Scale

When it comes to grading, different universities use different grading point strategies. To calculate GPA some universities use 4 point GPA scale and other use 10-point GPA scale. 5.0 point GPA scale is also practiced

10-point GPA scale

A80-899.0 – 9.9
A-75-798.0 – 8.9
B+70-747.0 – 7.9
B65-696.0 – 6.9
B-60-645.0 – 5.9
C+55-594.0 – 4.9
C50-543.0 – 3.9
C-45-492.0 – 2.9
D+40-441.0 – 1.9
D35-390.0 (Fail)
GPA scale for GPA calculator

4-point GPA scale

GPA scale for GPA Calculator

How to calculate GPA in Excel : Mini GPA Calculator

In step one write Grade point, credit hours and then make a column to multiply grade points and credit hours. When all subjects will get enlisted, apply a formula to add all entities of that column. Later on apply a formula to add all credit hours. In new column or row apply formula to divide sum of ( credit hours * grade points ) with (sum of credit hours).

how to calculate gpa step 1
step1: how to calculate GPA
how to calculate gpa step 2
step2:how to calculate GPA

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

GPA means grade point average. In university your every subject’s assessment is marked with Grades which contains some specific grade points. With the help of the grade points and credit hours you calculate GPA

These are the dedicated hours which are particularly assigned to a particular subject throughout the semester. Which means throughout semesters you give this much time to the specific subject.

3.0 is a good GPA on a 4.0 GPA scale. GPA less  than this should be improved. On a 10 point scale GPA more than 7 is considered good

There is no such formula to boost your GPA other than more dedication, more hard work, more planning to your learning style and more focus on getting concepts.

Rounding your GPA is not at all a good practice, as it comes with accuracy with highest precision. It’s better to keep your GPA as it is.

A weighted GPA means it assigns extra grade points to students in recognition of taking more challenging courses and giving his best. 
It means in regular practice students get 4.0 for A ,  3.0 for B etc but as far as weighted GPA concerns it assigns 5.0 for A, if the course is complicated like Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB).

Contrary to weighted GPA,university assigns regular grades in unweighted GPA. like A for 4.0 and 3.0 for B etc. There’s no extra or irregular practice of assigning encouraging GPA. On the other hand, weighted GPA assigns extra GPA in recognition of students’ courage in taking complicated courses.

Higher universities and higher colleges usually consider 3.5+ GPA a good GPA on a 4 point GPA scale but 3.0 is also a good GPA.

3.5 + on a 4 point GPA scale 
4.18+ on a 5 point GPA scale 
8.5+ on a 10 point GPA scale
If you have less GPA than this you should try to have more scores in other required tests.

For 4 point scale B+ is 3.33 and B is 3.0
For 10 point scale B is 8.0 

GPA more than 3.7 is considered an honor roll GPA


Grade point average is a standard parameter to track your academic achievements. It   serves an essential and beneficial role in education. It not only helps students to track their performance but universities get insights of their student’s academic performances and achievements. Weighted Grade point highlights advanced achievements and regular Grade points through unweighted Grade points. 

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