GPA Calculator
Use our GPA calculator to calculate your GPAs . With our comprehensive guide and step-by-step instructions learn how to track your grades and boost your GPA today
calculate CGPA
To calculate CGPA , we are giving you comprehensive calculator as per your university. Use our tool to calculate CGPA or CGPA chart on 4/5/10-point scales to calculate CGPA manually.
Text Case Converter
To convert all text cases use case converter online, . Convert your text to camel case, sentence case, title case and reverse case. Convert upper to lower and lower to upper.
Fraction to Decimal & Vice Versa
This Fraction to decimal converter shows precise and accurate result. It is just the right use of denominator and numerators. The denominator act as divider and numerator as dividend.
Percentage Marks Calculator
Percentage is calculated by following formula Percentage=(obtained marks*100) / Total Marks. However we are giving Percentage Marks Calculator for your ease and precise calculation.
BMI Calculator
Body mass index BMI calculator for female or male uses same formula. BMI less than 18.5 is Under weight, less than 24 is normal less than 29.5 is over weight. Know BMI limitations.
Percentage to CGPA
Do you striving for a powerful tool to convert Percentage to CGPA ? Get tested and verified tool to et your desired results only at OurUniversityPedia blog site.
GPA to Percentage
GPA to Percentage Calculator is working on all 4-point , 5-point and 10-point GPA scale. It is well researched calculator. This blog also gives all comprehensive guide on GPA.
SGPA calcualtor
Achieve you academic success effortlessly with our GPA to CGPA calculator & SGPA calculator! Get insights, tips, and guidance in our informative blog
IELTS Score Calculator
ouruniversitpedia offers you IELTS Band Score Calculator to know your test STATUS. Along this you get information on IELTS format. Which exerts light on IELTS general vs IELTS academic.
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