Percentage Marks Calculator with Formulas
Percentage Marks Calculator
How Percentage Marks Calculator Works
To find Marks Percentage students need two parameters to insert into it. One is total marks and other is obtained marks. The Total marks will be written in denominator or the below field and the obtained marks will be written into the upper field or the numerator in math’s Fractional terms. Clicking the button will result in your required percentage.

Marks Percentage With Grades
The correlation between grades and marks percentage may vary by educational institution. However, the following is the general interpretation of Grades associated with Percentage.
- A+ (90-100%): Excellent
- A (85-89%): V. Good
- B (80-85%): Good
- B+(75-79%): Satisfactory
- C (70-75%): Satisfactory
- D (60-69%): Needs Improvement
- F (0-59%): Fail
Percentage Calculator Formula for Marks
Marks percentage is calculated by the following formula: Where Total Marks are written in denominator and these are the marks which are the total of all subjects or it may be one subject’s total marks. The obtained marks are the one written in the numerator , it is your achieved marks.
Percentage = Obtained Marks* 100 / Total Marks
For Example : You got 1000 marks out of 1200 Now calculate your percentage by following method.
Percentage = (1000*100)/1200

How to Count Marks Percentage
To answer your question “how to calculate marks percentage” i have three answers, one is The tool to calculate marks percentage is uploaded above, second is its formula is also written above and third answer is as follows.
Step 1: Divide the obtained marks by the maxim marks of the test.
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100.
Percentage Vs Percentile
Percentage: A percentage is a ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is used to represent a portion of a whole in terms of one hundred. For example, if you score 80 out of 100 on a test, your percentage score is
Percentile: A percentile is a measure that indicates the relative standing of a particular value within a dataset. It represents the percentage of scores that fall below a given value. For instance, if you are in the 75th percentile on a standardized test, it means you scored better than 75% of the test takers.
What is Percentile
Percentile is a measurement of your Scores with compare to all the other applicants or candidates who attempted that test/paper. It tells which position you have secured among them. For example if you got 80th percentile it means you are above 79 people and 79 people are below the range of your scores.

It is not a very complex calculation to do, Instead a very easy and memorable formula is here to get the overall percentage. This marks calculator not only works as 10th class percentage calculator but also as college marks percentage calculator. Percentage is a straight ratio used to tell your scores but percentile is a statistical score used to tell and compare your scores with all other participants. We explored in this blog