Fraction to Decimal& Decimal to Fraction Calculators

Fraction to Decimal Converter &

Decemial to Fraction Converter

How to Use Fraction to decimal Converter ?

It is not a complex task to convert fractions. Instead it is very easy to use. To convert fraction to decimal write a fraction like ⅚  or 6/7 or any relevant fraction in the required field and click convert button. But if you want to convert decimal to fraction then write decimal into the required field and press the convert button the result will be shown right after your click.

Fraction to decimal converter

How to Convert a Fraction to a Decimal ?

To convert Fraction to a decimal manually , take a fraction. Like 98/45. It has two parts: the upper part is called numerator and the lower part is called denominator.   Make the numerator as dividend and denominator as divider. Whenever you feel the remainder is now smaller than the divider we place a decimal on the quotient. Which makes the quotient a decimal number.

How to convert a Decimal into a Fraction ?

The conversion from decimal to fraction is different and has different processes involved. Remove the decimal of the fraction by writing 1 for ‘.’ and all the preceding number will be followed by zero . for example 2.3/10 , 2.3456/10000 .Now make them simpler fraction by cutting the numerator with denominator. The more the simplified the precise the fraction will be. It is easy way to calculate

What is Numerator Denominator, Quotient , Remainder , dividend and divider

NumeratorA fraction usually has an upper and lower part; the upper part of the fraction is  called Numerator.
DenominatorThe lower part of the fraction is called denominator.
QuotientWhen we divide the fraction, it drives some answer which we write above of the division process this is called quotient.
RemainderWhen we divide the fraction the remaining is called remainder, which is written lower of the dividing process.
DividendThe numerator, is also known as dividend , it is the number which comes inside for the division.
DividerThe number which comes outside the division process is called divider. It is the denominator of the fraction.
Terms for Fraction to Decimal converter & decimal to fraction

Fraction to Decimal Converter & Decimal to Fraction Table

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