CGPA To Percentage Converter

Calculate CGPA to percentage, know how to calculate percentage from CGPA & get CGPi to Percentage

CGPA to Percentage
Percentage conversion from CGPA

CGPA to Percentage Converter


  • Accurate
  • Precise
  • Satisfactory

CGPA to Percentage Converter - Degree holders
  • Choose Your GPA Scale as of out of 10 , 5 or 4
  • Put Your CGPA in second field
  • Click “Convert ” & It will Convert

Your Own Percentage Conversion Calculator

Hello there! You landed on the perfect place where you can effortlessly convert CGPA to percentage with our user-friendly interface. This converter works perfectly fine on your university’s grade point. It shows the aggregate percentage according to CGPA and also provides a concise guide on what CGPA is. Here, one can find the Percentage to CGPA also. This tool not only saves time but also gives correct information in just one click.

How this Effective calculator works

The above Tool takes CGPA as input and gives a Percentage as the Result. It is working efficiently and as per the universities’ criteria.  

This Calculate is very easy to use

First choose total Grade point your university uses e.g. out of 4, out of 5, or out of 10.
Then Enter your CGPA e.g. 3.45
Click “convert” button.
You are good to go.

Percentage for Different Universities

CGPA to Percentage Calculator for VTU- Visvesvaraya Technological University

Visvesvaraya Technological University uses different techniques to convert CGPA to percentage. First, calculate the CGPA and later subtract 0.75 from the CGPA. Then, as VTU provides a ten-point scale grading system, multiply it by 10, as per the stated example. Percentage = (your CGPA -0.75)*10.

Conversion Calculator for CBSE- Central Board of Secondary Education

The CBSE uses a 10-point grade scale to calculate CGPA. The formula for converting to percentage is multiplying the CGPA by 9.5. 

Percent = CGPA * 9.5. 

GTU – Gujarat Technological University

Gujarat Technical University offers different degree programs with different durations. It also uses different evaluation systems, such as SPI (Semester Performance Index), CPI (Cumulative Performance Index), and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).

 Percentage = [CGPA/SPI/CPI-0.5) * 9.5.

WBUT – West Bengal University of Technology

The Above calculator works fine for the above university because this university does not have a specific formula for the conversion of CGPA into a percentage.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator for Anna – Anna University

Anna University uses a ten-point scale, but the Above calculator works fine for it. To calculate percentages manually, then use this formula. 

Percentage = CGPA * 10.

For Mumbai University

The Mumbai University offers different grade points for different degree programs. It gives 7 grade points and 10- grade points. To convert the CGPA of a 10-point Grading system, the below formula can be used for conversion.

Percentage =7.25 * CGPA + 11.

For RGPV university

RGPV University uses a 10-point grade scale. It calculates the Percentage from CGPA just by multiplying it with 10. 

Percentage = CGPA * 10.

For SPPU – Savitribai Phule Pune University

For grade A+(CGPA * 12)-25
For grade A(CGPA * 10)-7.5
For grade B+(CGPA * 5)+ 26.25
For grade B(CGPA * 10)-2.5
For grade C(CGPA * 10)-2.5
For grade D(CGPA * 6.6)+13.5
CGPA to Percentage Formulas
for Different Universities

How TO Calculate CGPA from Percentage?

  • Calculate your CGPA from CGPA calculator.
  • Then use conversion Formula given below. 
  • Multiply CGPA by 9.5 .
  • Percentage = CGPA*3.9.

For MAKAUT – Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad University of Technology

Maulana Abdul Azad University uses 7-point grading system which some universities are using already .
Percentage = (CGPA-0.75)*10

For Delhi University

Delhi University Uses formulas that  multiply CGPA by 9.5. 
Percentage = CGPA * 9.5

For KTU – Kerala Technological University

KTU uses the same formula most universities are using. They use the CGPA formula to multiply credit hours and grade points by dividing total credit hours, then multiplying CGPA by 9.5 

Percentage = CGPA * 9.5.

Convert to Percentage Calculator for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Every University uses its formula for converting CGPA to percentage. Its calculator for finding CGPA is the same as many other universities, like CGPA = (credit hours* grade points)/total credit hours. Now convert it by just multiplying CGPA by 10. Percentage = CGPA *10.

CGPA To Percentage Chart Out of 10

10-point GPA Scale Percentage conversion

CGPA to percentage chart out of 5.0

5.0 -point GPA Scale Percentage conversion
Convert CGPA to Percentage

CGPA To Percentage Chart Out Of 4

4.0 -point GPA Scale Percentage conversion

Percentage Conversion certificate

Visvesvaraya Technological University

Certificate of CGPA to Percentage Conversion

This Certificate is to certify that

Michael John

has completed the Bachelor’ in computer science with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.45 on a scale of 4.0.

The corresponding percentage equivalent for the above CGPA is 86.50%.

Awarded on 05 August 2022
Authorized Signature: _____
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Jnana Sangama, VTU Main Rd, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Machhe, Belagavi, Karnataka 590018, India

Explore Related Calculators .


Use our GPA calculator to calculate GPAs. With our comprehensive guide and step-by-step instructions, learn how to track grades and boost your GPA today.

Go to calculate GPA


To calculate CGPA, we are giving a comprehensive CGPA calculator as per your university. Use our tool to know how CGPA is calculated. CGPA converter is a 100% effective tool for getting the result.

Learn about Calculate CGPA


Find GPA as a percentage using GPA to Percentage Calculator is working on all 4,5,10-point GPA scales. Know how to calculate GPA. Get these points to the percentage converter.

Convert CGPA to Percentage

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

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9.0 in percentage is 90% in a 10-point scale.

9.0 in percentage is 70% in a 10-point scale.

Equivalent Percentage (%) = (CGPA / Total CGPA) * 100

100% CGPA

  • A1 :91-100%
  • A2: 81-90%
  • B1: 71-80%
  • B2: 61-70%
  • C1: 51-60%
  • C2: 41-50%
  • D: 33-40%

Percentage of 6.8 out of 10 CGPA is 68%

Percentage of 8.5 out of 10 CGPA is 85%

To convert your 10th-grade CGPA to a percentage, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (CGPA – 5) * 9.5

Here’s how to calculate it step by step:

Subtract 5 from your CGPA.
Multiply the result by 9.5.

For example, if you have a CGPA of 9.0:
Percentage = (9.0 – 5) *
9.5 = 4.0 * 9.5 = 38.0%

So, a CGPA of 9.0 in 10th grade is equivalent to 38.0% in terms of percentage.

Percentage of 6.7 out of 10 CGPA is 67%

A CGPA of 3.45 is equivalent to: 34.5% in a 10-point scale, 86.25% in a 4-point scale.69% in a 5-point scale.

Percentage of 6.9 out of 10 CGPA is 69%

A CGPA of 3.9 is equivalent to 78% in a 10-point scale, 97.5% in a 4-point scale, and 78% in a 5-point scale.

Percentage of 8.9 out of 10 CGPA is 89%

Percentage of 9.3 out of 10 CGPA is 93%

A CGPA of 5.6 is equivalent to 56% in a 10-point scale, 70% in a 4-point scale, and 56% in a 5-point scale.

No, not really. CGPA is based on specific scale points. It may consist of  10-point scale, 4-point scale or 5-point, on the other hand Percentage gives us weightage out of 100.

It means converting your grade points from 10, 5, or 4 point scale to 100. CGPA Percentage chart out of 10

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